
From the category archives: Blog


Understanding SharePoint 2019

2019 features can be clubbed under the below segments

  1. Modern Experience
  2. File / Folder feature enhancements
  3. Cloud tools integration – Power Tools

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Framework For Business to Evaluate Tools For Business Process Automation

Business process automation (BPA) is the automation of manual paper-based processes using tools and technology. BPA can help an organization reduce cost and increase efficiency.

Once a decision to implement business process automation has been taken, choosing the right tool is the next significant consideration. While there are many tools available for BPA, and a discussion around these is imminent; the criteria for evaluating these tools must first be identified...

Click on the link to view complete blog: Framework For Business to Evaluate Tools For Business Process Automation

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How to Select Business Process Automation Software

Plus, which BPA software do we recommend?

Business process management (BPM) and Automation (BPA) software are one of the fastest-growing fields in technology, with estimates for company expenditures on BPA/BPM software ranging fromUS$13.5 to US$23 billion in the next few years. These figures are likely low-end estimates as well, given the wide-scale digital transformation occurring across industries and the speed at which companies are looking to technology to give them a competitive edge...

Click on the link to view complete blog: How to Select Business Process Automation Software

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Get Ready to Migrate on SharePoint 2016

The wait is over...

SharePoint 2016 was released with a bang!

The change and migration with latest technology is inevitable in today’s world. Positive approach to the changing scenario leads to success. But a transformation or a change without a plan of actions can cause you face a failure.

This need to be taken care of while migrating to SharePoint 2016. A beforehand Plan for migration can ensure that your process works smoothly.

Here are the Few tips you need to follow before you board a flight to migrate on SharePoint 2016.

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